Friday 7 November 2014

A few things to get started

A few things lead to creation of this blog. So, maybe I should start from the beginning?
I've been building my nail polish collection since, I think, high school. I blame my Mom for that, she always said that a woman should always have her nails done, no matter how little time or will to do them she has. She used to say that by a woman's nails you can see how much she cares about herself, and if you don't care enough about yourself, why should anyone else. So, I've always had my nails painted, sometimes I would paint hers too, and it was kind of our thing. 
And then, in August this year, my Mom suddenly died. I coped, and am still coping, by taking the nail polish and nail art obsession to new levels. I browsed around you tube for tutorials, I searched for blogs with new polish swatches. I learned about indie makers, which was a news for me, I bought brushes, dotting tools, sponges, glass files, cuticle oil, and of course, polishes. I joined a group on Facebook, Polish-aholics anonymous, and found a world with people who like nail polish, do amazing nail art, and are always there to give advice if you need it, or compliment you on your newest manicure. 
Then one day, I found this nail polish I loved so much, from an indie maker called Parrot Polish, and it was named Croatian love,  and I voiced my delight with it in PAA group. One thing lead to another, and the makers contacted me and said they would like to send me the polish, just because. I was so overwhelmed with that kindness, that a stranger I've never talked with offered to send me a polish just because he liked my post, and because he was once in a similar situation as me, I started thinking that, maybe, I could use this hobby of mine as an outlet, that maybe I could share the stuff I do with my nails at night, when I can't sleep, and maybe, some girl out there who is struggling with loss, and sadness, and the way your life turns upside down when you lose a parent, would see it, and maybe feel a little better, maybe find an outlet for herself, a way to make the grief a little more bearable. 
Yesterday, my husband assembled a table for me, so now I don't have to bend my back over the coffee table, and spill polish remover over my laptop, or knock a bottle of polish on the floor (which happened, twice, actually). 
So now, I have a table, I have the tools, I have gorgeous nail polishes coming my way, (Parrot Polish, go check it out) I've ordered myself some nail vinyls (go check that out too, I hear they are great, NailVinyls), and I have a blog. 
I have to tell you, you won't see those perfect swatch pictures here, I don't have the equipment, or the time to photo-shop it all out. I have my phone, an my hands. 
So, let the therapy begin. Or, maybe, continue :)

Nekoliko stvari je vodilo kreiranju ovog bloga. Možda bih trebala početi od početka. :)
Lakove skupljam negdje od srednje škole. Za to je zaslužna moja mama, koja je govorila da žena uvijek mora imati sređene nokte, neovisno o tome koliko ima, ili nema, vremena da ih uredi, i koliko joj se da ili ne da. Govorila je da se na ženinim noktima vidi koliko joj je stalo do nje same, a ako njoj nije stalo do nje, zašto bi nekome drugome bilo stalo. I tako sam uvijek lakirala nokte, a ponekad bih sredila i njene. To je bilo to nešto naše, ja lakiram nokte, ona ocjenjuje koliko joj se sviđa lak.
I onda je, ovog kolovoza, naglo umrla. Svatko od nas ima neke svoje načine tugovanja, i svoje načine kako se nositi s tugom, gubitkom, i potpunom zbunjenošću koje nastaju kad izgubiš roditelja. Za mene je to bilo, i još uvijek je, bavljenje noktima, iako sam to, prije 3 mjeseca, prenijela na neke nove nivoe. Pregledavala sam you tube tutoriale, čitala blogove, učila o tehnikama nail arta o kojima nisam imala pojma, istraživala indie brendove, učila o spužvama, točkalicama, ulju za zanoktice, i učlanila se u grupu na Facebooku Poslih-aholics Anonymous. Tamo sam našla cijeli jedan novi svijet, ljude, uglavnom cure, koje isto, ako ne i više, vole nail art, imaju hrpe lakove za nokte, koje dijele fotke svojih manikura, daju komplimente, i uvijek su tu ako vam treba savjet.
I onda sam, jednog dana, našla taj savršeni lak. Proizvođač, Parrot Polish, mala indie tvrtka, a naziv laka: Croatian Love odnosno, kako se tad zvao "Hrvatski ljubav". Istog sam trena svoje oduševljenje podijela s ekipom u PAA grupi, (uz ispravku naziva, ipak sam grammar nazi), jedna je stvar vodila drugoj, i uskoro mi se javio proizvođač laka. Napisao je da mu se svidio moj post, da je bio u mojoj situaciji, i da bi me rado razveselio tako da mi pošalje lak ili dva. Nisam mogla vjerovati, netko s kim nikad nisam razgovarala, želi mi poslati lak ili dva, samo tako. Iz ljubaznosti. Jer može.
Pa sam pomislila, da možda, negdje, postoji još cura, djevojaka, žena, koje su nekog izgubile, i koje će možda, ako podijelim ovo sa svijetom, naći način da se opuste i nose s tugom sređujući nokte. Ili će, barem, znati, da postoji još netko tko prolazi kroz to, pa će im biti lakše.Jučer mi je muž složio stol za manikuru, tako da se ne moram saginjati ispred stolića u dnevnom boravku i razlijevati aceton po laptopu, a lak po parketu.
Dakle, imam stol, imam točkalice i kistove, imam krasne lakove koji su na putu, imam još neke stvari koje stižu (predloške za nail art, Nail Vinyls , čekirajte), i imam blog.
Nemojte očekivati da ćete vidjeti savršeno sređene fotke, nemam ni vremena ni opreme za fotošopiranje. Imam mobitel s dobrim fotićem, i imam ruke, s noktima na kojima mogu zahvaliti mami i njenim genima. :)
Pa, neka terapija počne. Ili, bolje reći, nek se terapija nastavi. :)


  1. Wow beautiful post <3 I'm so happy you've started your blog I wish you all the best :*

  2. As a fellow nail blogger, I wanna say hiiiiii!!!! And welcome to the community :D We're a little bit nuts, but most of us are good people. You'll find that most nail people have something to come to terms with, be it grief, loss, mental illness, physical impairments or something else. It's probably because nail polish is such a perfect way to express yourself, and like you said, it's also about caring for yourself. And whether your pictures are of professional quality or not (most bloggers don't Photoshop btw), whether your nail art is perfectly executed or not, the thing is that you're doing it and that's most important of all! There will always be people who will be supportive of you :D I've made some amazing friends in the nail community, I'm positive that you will find a lot of people who will be there for you no matter what, and who will most definitely want to hear all of your nail related chats :D Oh and don't let the haters get you down! Haha ;-)
